omg.... so did everyone who posted in the thread "Bang your head on your keyboard get banned? There was quite a few who did... but 3 fuckin days? u gotta be kidden me. this is why I hate NG mods... they over react and they think they can do what ever the fuck they want... 3 fucking days? come on! I have seen threads that were more spamlike than that sit 4 days without being deleted. I have a question.... Who moderates the moderators? cause they need to be... It makes newground BBS suck.... a
I understand we need rules..... but why does spamming involve a 3 day ban? I know... I know... get a life.... I got one... but after school i cant do n e thing cause i gots to watch my bros... so know wtf am i gonna do..? go to 4chan? HELL NO. Anyway, the purpose of this rant i because I want feed back from all of you. Have you ever been banned unfairly?
Hey 4chan is a great place! >:3
Latley its been filled with newfags posting a bunch of furry... even in /b/